The HERoS project launches an ICU capacity data visualisation tool

The HERoS project launches an ICU capacity data visualisation tool

HERoS partner Nordic Healthcare Group has developed an online tool to visualise occupancy rates at intensive care units in different countries and regions of the European Union between February and November 2020. It is based on datasets from the European Centre for...

WEBINAR: recording, slides and deliverables

WEBINAR: recording, slides and deliverables

Thank you for your interest in the webinar 'HERoS: Results for the Rapid Response Phase', which took place on October 27th 2020. In case you couldn't join or if you wish to view the presentation again, you will find below the recording of the event. Furthermore, you...

WEBINAR: Results from the Rapid Response Phase

WEBINAR: Results from the Rapid Response Phase

The HERoS project - which aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the response to the COVID-19 outbreak - completed its Rapid Response Phase in September 2020. To share the results of this initial period, the consortium organises a free webinar open to all...

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